Joy of life

“We have no peace because we have forgotten that we belong to eachother” Mother Teresa

Listening to a song on the radio gives immense joy and that too if it turns out to be your favourite song! A quaint transistor played in my mother’s kitchen, and if I flip through my childhood memories, this remains one of my favourites!

Now a days, one can mostly find a radio at the ‘Chai ka dukaan’ ( tea stall) below a government office building! My radio is hiding in my android, my mother now switched on to ‘Caravan’ which stores 5000 popular Indian songs! The new technology somehow managed to steal the joy!

The fundamental purpose of human life is, happiness! Atleast that’s what all the various scriptures say! The measure of success for today’s world is, a highly paid job, luxurious house, an expensive car, latest iphone…and the list goes on! I wish I could interview every successful person to find out their source of happiness!

They say happiness can be relative or it can be absolute! Does that sound complicated? Next time when you hear the waves crashing on the shore, listen to a sparrow chirping early in the morning or watch dew drops on a rose petal, tap your heart and ask yourself, how does this happen, every time!

Signing off! Neelima Neel🌸🌸

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